vintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaum

A vintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaum,
second half 20th century
Model No. 7
Going-barrel movement,
Resting beloved, take my hand...
When wound and the start/stop button slid to the right, the bird lid opens and the bird mysteriously appears to sing perfectly to synchronised song, moving polished metal beak, wings and rotating body from side-to-side.
The bird with luxurious midnight-blue and deep-plum toned feathered plumage, accompanied by the gentle tone of corn-yellow highlights to wing tips and bib, rising through the fine pierced and chased gilt grille with radial Rococo C scroll leaves, the bird reflected in its entirety by the highly polished lid interior.
In the famous and much respected delights of the gilt metal No. 7 case, with the main lid with the slight domed bird lid framing the three figures resting by folly wall, with the central lady in blue being comforted by leaning gentleman, overseen by the lady in yellow leading sheep on blue ribbon train, in panoramic view of the wild riverbank country with twin urn sur le standés before water's edge and blue-hazed meadows beyond, bordered by the wide cream enamel frame, the front with painted enamel study of the famous Chateau Chillon, the rear with a study of three sheep, the sides with alpine landscapes, each within rondo framed in cobalt blue, further broken arch panels, wave-line friezes and tall window lozenges, all in more cobalt blue and cream enamels, all incised to the gilt metal to an outstanding degree of detail, underside with simplistic framed tool-work.
size - 4in. wide, 2.3/4in. deep, 2in. high - (10.2 x 7 x 5cm)
Point of interest -
Chateau Chillon stands on a small peninsula on Lake Geneva.  This 1000 year old landmark was visited several times by Lord Byron, who left his mark by carving his name on a pillar in the catacombs.  It was also the setting in the story Daisy Miller by Henry James and in many films, the interiors are used to great effect. 
This study, taken if one is looking at the Chateau from a boat on the water, has been used by the likes of Bruguier, Bontems and C. H. Marguerat for some of their enamel singing bird boxes - so no surprise that this most popular and one of the most romantic buildings in the world was used as an enamel study by the German master, Griesbaum, for this glorious singing bird creation.
STOCK No1501
vintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaum
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vintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaumvintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaumvintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaumvintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaumvintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaumvintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaumvintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaumvintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaumvintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaumvintage gilt metal and full pictorial enamel singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaum
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