A silver singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaum
Circa 1925,
Model number 1,
Going barrel movement,
Another silver promise from Mr. Griesbaum...
When wound and the bird-form start/stop button is slid to the right, the bird rises up through pierced silvered grille of scrolls and swag arcs, moving metal beak, wings and body from side-to-side to continuous synchronised birdsong.
The bird with dark tones of green, grape red, with a intermediate band of black, polished lid interior in the silver version of the this No. 1 case, with geometric C scrolls and birds, to the serpentine profile on all sides including top.
4in. wide, 2.3/4in. deep, 1.5/8in. high - (10.2 x 7 x 4.2cm)
Point of interest -
Notice how the lid interior is polished. Not all No. 1 cases had this feature, retained for the earlier versions before the second batch was produced towards the start of the 1930s.
STOCK No | 1355 |
PRICE | Sold |