Silver singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaum


A silver singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaum




Circa 1925,


Model number 1,


Going barrel movement,


Another silver promise from Mr. Griesbaum...


When wound and the bird-form start/stop button is slid to the right, the bird rises up through pierced silvered grille of scrolls and swag arcs, moving metal beak, wings and body from side-to-side to continuous synchronised birdsong.

The bird with dark tones of green, grape red, with a intermediate band of black, polished lid interior in the silver version of the this No. 1 case, with geometric C scrolls and birds, to the serpentine profile on all sides including top.


4in. wide, 2.3/4in. deep, 1.5/8in. high - (10.2 x 7 x 4.2cm)


Point of interest -


Notice how the lid interior is polished.  Not all No. 1 cases had this feature, retained for the earlier versions before the second batch was produced towards the start of the 1930s.

STOCK No1355
Silver singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaum
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Silver singing bird box, by Karl GriesbaumSilver singing bird box, by Karl GriesbaumSilver singing bird box, by Karl GriesbaumSilver singing bird box, by Karl GriesbaumSilver singing bird box, by Karl GriesbaumSilver singing bird box, by Karl Griesbaum
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