Gilt metal small double singing birds-in-cage, by Elpa


A good gilt metal small double singing birds-in-cage, by Alpa,





circa 1960


A touch of Regal gilt splendor...


When wound and start/stop lever actuated, the two perched birds take turns singing synchronised continuous birdsong, moving beaks, bobbing tailfeathers and one moving whole body from side to side.

The taller red feathered bird with matt black highlights to head, wings and tailfeather tip, looking across to the shorter yellow feathered bird with similar matt black highlights, each taking turns to sing the continuous birdsong in alternating phrases, perches decorated with red berries and trailing leaves, maroon velvet covered base, under very decorative and detailed cast gilt circular cage with hoop top, shaped boss with heart scroll relief and three red stone inserts, plain intermediate band, base of cushioned sectional profile with repeated heart scroll geometric fields in relief, alternating fields of two singing birds, red stone inserts completing the Regal setting perfectly, on four scroll sweep feet, captive key-wind and start/stop lever to underside.


size - 10.3/4in. high, 5.1/2in. diameter - (7.4 x 14cm)


Point of interest -


This is a very good example of how the level of quality remained high, typically in Germany, of singing bird manufacture post-1930.

We were very pleased to see the relief decoration and pleasing design so well thought out and executed, in addition to the superb depth of colour to the gilt, that those who view this are surprised by its date of birth.

A return to the past perhaps in design, but equalled in its approach to technical skill.  This 'Regal' cage complete with red stone mounts will certainly be the answer to your interior decoration nightmare of what should go on that small shelf by the staircase...

STOCK No1438
Gilt metal small double singing birds-in-cage, by Elpa
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Gilt metal small double singing birds-in-cage, by ElpaGilt metal small double singing birds-in-cage, by ElpaGilt metal small double singing birds-in-cage, by ElpaGilt metal small double singing birds-in-cage, by ElpaGilt metal small double singing birds-in-cage, by ElpaGilt metal small double singing birds-in-cage, by Elpa
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