A large antique single singing bird-in-cage, by Bontems,
circa 1895,
fully restored,
Going for a song...
When wound and the start/stop lever actuated, the perched bird comes to life before your eyes by opening and closing beak, bobbing tailfeather and moving head from side to side to continuous synchronised birdsong.
The bird upon polished brass T perch, with beautifully layered plumage in cream, yellow, white and lagoon blue, vast highlights of green iridescence, on maroon covered base, under circular domed cage with larger polished hoop and boss top, intermediate band with leaf point frieze decoration, to the delicate pressed gilt metal base with crescent moon band above twinned Rococo leaf and scroll groups and palm leaf interruptions, plain moulded skirt, start/stop lever from base and winding spindle to side.
size - 21" High
Point of interest -
In the 1970s and early 80's, the popular antique television show Going For A Song featured in the opening credits a antique singing bird chirping happily. This Bontems model is one of the most sought after due in part to the one-piece cage design and the very crisp decoration work to bands and base. A wonder of workmanship for everyone to enjoy, especially its new owner...
STOCK No | 1384 |
PRICE | Sold |