Charles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel case

Antique Bruguier fusee singing bird box in silver gilt and enamel. First quality Swiss fusee singing bird box by Bruguier in silver gilt and hand painted enamel in perfect condition. The movement stamped C. BRUGUIER GENEVE, and numbered 255. The solid silver and original flash gilded case all over engraved and engine turned, including the base. The case with typical Bruguier form canted corners and with the top of the case patterned in silver to the outside edges but completely covered in hand painted enamel of flowers on a pale blue ground. The superb opening lid with concentric patterns to the bezel has a trademark Bruguier lid scene of an Alpine scene with chalet in the foreground with a view of the Alps in the distance. The key wound chain driven fusee movement working the bellows & driving multiple cams that on sliding the operating lever to the front, the lid opens and the bird pops up and 1/ opens & shuts the beak, 2/ turns its head from left to right, 3/ flaps the wings and finally 4/ pirouettes left and right. On completion of his 20 second performance he drops through the superbly pierced silver gilt grille and the lid closes after him. Swiss circa 1830 4 inches by 2.5 inches by 1.5 inches (10 cms by 6.25 cms by 3.75 cms).

STOCK No1729
Charles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel case
Charles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel caseCharles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel caseCharles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel caseCharles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel caseCharles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel caseCharles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel caseCharles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel caseCharles Bruguier singing bird box, fusee movement, silver gilt and enamel case
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